Wisconsin Snobird Club
Nov.-Dec. 2020 Emails
Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 31, 2020
I have attached the 2021 Roster. If you print both sides it is only 7 pages. When people said they were not coming, the dates below their name blank. If you don't want to print the ROSTER you can leave it on our phone or computer and when you need a name or e-mail you can just go the attachment. So there are three ways to save your ROSTER.
We need to thank Tom Chestnut, Membership Chairperson for his work on creating the rosters so that they are available this year.
Webmaster Note: For privacy reasons I am not going to post the list here but you can email *** Click here to send email request ***
Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 29, 2020
I send this as a FYI, if you are interested in any of these. I am not endorsing any of this just letting you know of some activities being offered by the city of Orange Beach. Click here to see those activities.
Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 24, 2020
Lora and I would like to wish each and everyone of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. May your Christmas be joyful and your New Year be more normal and healthier for you, your family and friends
Golf With Michigan Club: Wisconsin Snobird Club has been invited to golf weekly with The Michigan Club. To find out what dates and what golf courses, go to the Michigan Club website, www.MichiganClubAlabama.com and go to the golf page. There they can get the name and phone number of the coordinator for the course/courses that you would like to play. Please wait until after January 3rd.
Coupon Books: To purchase the $15.00 Coupon Books you need to contact Fred Carson at 251.955.5955 cell 251.424.3061 or e-mail frc2564@gmail.com There is NO sales by mail.
Dec. 18, 2020
from Michigan Snowbird Club Golf Chairperson, Dave Ferguson
Because of COVID-19, we don't have as many golfers. So I am opening our golf outings to all snowbird clubs. I won't open us up for them until after we had the Michigan Club golf signup on January 3rd.
The way that they can get on our list is to go to our Michigan Club website, www.MichiganClubAlabama.com
and go to the golf page. There they can get the name and phone number of the coordinator for the course that they would like to play. Then after January 3rd.they can contact the coordinator for the golf outing or outings you want to golf
Dave Ferguson
Click on this link to see the list. (opens as a PDF file)
Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 9, 2020
Coupon Book purchase change. If you want to purchase a coupon book from Fred Carson, Fred ask that you call or use a different e-mail than was previously in my e-mails. Coupon Books: Yes we will have the availability to purchase the $15.00 Coupon Books. To get a book or books you need to contact Fred Carson at: 251.955.5955 cell 251.424.3061 new e-mail frc2564@gmail.com There is NO sales by mail.
Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec 04, 2020
- New Board Member: I have appointed Fred Carson to the Board of the Wisconsin Snobirds Club. Fred offered to fill the position left vacant by the resignation of Gene Lesinski. This is Fred second time as a board member. THANK YOU Fred and to the others that offered to except the appointment to the board.
- Baldwin County Foster Children program; The Wisconsin Snobird Club gave the Baldwin County Foster Children program $2200 worth of Walmart gift cards to use for the children's Christmas presents. Sally Wechsler received the cards from Nancy Durgin on December 2, 2020. The donations were collected at the January. February and March meetings before the pandemic closed everything. Though the Club will have NO meetings in 2021, members have chosen to support the program by donating money for Christmas 2021. Thank you, Wisconsin Snobirds!!
- Snowbird Magazine: If you enjoy reading the Snowbird Magazine are are still in Wisconsin here a link to the online edition.On page 3 there is a attribute to our late member Keith Kahl. He is is the link: https://snowbirdsgulfcoast.
com/publi.../holiday-2020- edition - Coupon Books: Yes we will have the availability to purchase the $15.00 Coupon Books. To get a book or books you need to contact Fred Carson at: 251.955.5955 cell 251.424.3061 e-mail afcarson@earthlink.net There is NO sales by mail.
- Shrimp Basket; is still offering a free Basket or Platter on your Birthday.
Lutheran Services: Announcement
- Gulf Shores area Wisconsin Lutheran Synod/ELS Members:
- Church services with Holy Communion, followed by Bible study:
- When: January 10 & 24, February 7 & 21, 2021 @ 4:00 pm
- Where: St Jude by the Sea Lutheran Church ; 312 East 16th Ave., Gulf Shores, AL
- Note: Church capacity 50 people. Reservations required
- Make checks payable to: Risen Savior Luth. Church
- Contact: Jim & Karen Diehm, 231-598-0383, jkdiehm@gmail.com for information and reservations.
Wisconsin Snobirds
Nov 23, 2020
- Rosters: Sometime near the end of December Tom Chestnut will have this years membership roster ready. We will be e-mailing a copy to you.
- Board Member: We want to thank Gene Lesinski for his years of service as a board member to the Wisconsin Snobird Club. Gene has resigned as a board members and is not coming down to the Gulf Coast because of health reasons. THANK YOU GENE
- Board Member Needed: I need to appoint a person to replace Gene on the board. I am asking for someone to except this opportunity. A board member needs to attend a board meeting after the first meeting of January, February and March. There is also a responsibility that goes with this position. This position is in charge of ordering the donuts for all six meeting. Ordering is done one week before the meeting. Gene did keep very good records and has mailed them to me. You only have to order them. We have a club member that picks them up. If you are interested in getting more active in Wisconsin Snobird Club please e-mail or call me.
- Toiletries and Book and puzzle exchange: We are still working on a way to collect the toiletries, ink cartridges and have the exchange or books and puzzles. If someone has a idea I/we would be happy to look at using it.
- From Christian Service Center: The Christian Service Center has started our Christmas Cheer Angel program for 2020. Any snowbirds who are down here by Dec. 10 are welcome to pick up an Angel from their church, Lulu’s, DeSoto’s, J & M Tackle, Reflections Hair Salon, or Wildflowers Boutique. Last year, we gave 450+ needy Pleasure Island kids the best Christmas possible. Their parents let the CSC know their kids wishes, and our angels did the rest. Thanks so much from Mary Lee’s
- Name tags: If you would like your 2021 name tag, please send a self addressed, stamped envelope to:
Tom Chestnut
906 Augusta
Waterford, Wi 53185
Wisconsin Snobirds
Nov 12, 2020
Membership dues: A message from Tom Chestnut, Membership Chairperson;
Kenn, In answer to some members question. What is to become of the dues that I (member) has paid this year? I have already spent of the member's $4.00 annual dues, hundreds of dollars printing over 400 envelopes as well as the discounted postage, and printing of 426 registration packet. We also have the cost of ink and special card stock for the printing of Name Tags that have been printed. I can mail the name tags to members if requested and a self addressed stamped envelope is sent to me. I have spent almost $2.00 of the $4.00. club member's dues.
In reference to a second set of records for dues credits; I can do it. Along with the year long changes of addresses, phone numbers, and emails in the active Roster. It seems silly to keep records for credits when I know how much is spent to date.
Members can leave the dues that they have paid for 2021, have it credited to 2022 membership, or can ask for a refund. This would be more costly and would involve extra work from both me and club treasurer Ron Pugh.
Thanks Tom
Tom Chestnut
906 Augusta
Waterford, Wi 53185
Coupon Books: Yes we will have the availability to purchase the $15.00 Coupon Books. To get a book or books you need to contact Fred Carson at: 251.955.5955 cell 251.424.3061 e-mail afcarson@earthlink.net There is NO sales by mail.
Book Puzzle Exchange: There will be NO book or puzzle exchange this year. If you have books to get rid of you can give them to one of the libraries.
Wisc Snobirds Clothes: No decision has been make on weather we will sell Wisconsin Snobird Clothes this year.
Toiletries for Ecumenical Ministry: We will be collecting toiletries this year. The plan on where and when have not been finalized at the time of this e-mail.
Thank you everyone for being so understanding and patience.
Wisconsin Snobirds
Nov 07, 2020
As most of you have suspected would happen we have canceled the 2021 Wisconsin Snobird Season. We feel that it is almost impossible to keep 840+ members safe at all of the events that we had scheduled. Social distancing and wearing a mask is almost impossible with large groups or even groups of 50 to be safe. That said, Thursday Alabama Governor Ivey extended the wearing of mask, stay at home, and amount of occupancy in a business. We would only be able to have 120 members in the Orange Beach Event Center.
Sorry for this news however I think that most of you will agree with the decision I and your club officers and board members made. No one wants to see someone get sick or worse. It was a very tough decision and there were a few different views for holding events. In the end it was me that made the final decision using the input from the board and officers.
This is only for Wisconsin Snobirds events. The brat fest, Low Country Boil, Trivia Night and the Baldwin County Heritage Museum Golf Fund Raiser are not our club decisions. These will have to be made by the committees of these events.
The Wisconsin Snobird Golf Committee has as in the past arranged for a special rate at Glen Lakes for Wisconsin Golfers. Golfing is up to the golfers if they want to take advantage of and want to golf using the special Wisconsin rate. There will be NO GOLF FUN DAYS.
Should there be some miracle this virus goes away and we can resume activities safely you will be notified by e-mail on the web site or facebook.
If you have a question, please e-mail me.
Thank You