December 2022

Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 27, 2022


  • Our first Wisconsin Snobird meeting of 2023 is January 4th at 9:00 A.M. at the Orange Beach Event Center, 4617 Wharf Parkway West, coffee and donuts before the meeting (start about 8:30 A.M. Also before the meeting you will be able to
    • buy tickets to the Low Country Boil (Feb. 10)
    • buy ticket(s) for the Calendar Drawing
    • register for Trivia Night (Feb.11)rRegister for the 8 Pin NO Tap bowling tournament for Christian Services (Feb.14th)
    • sign up for The Wisconsin Golf Fun Day (Jan. 30)
    • sign up for The Club Picnic (Feb. 23).
    • Wisconsin Snobird Club logo clothes will be for sale. Thanks to Charlene Wichmann and Debbie Quick for taking the chairperson on this.
    • There will also be a book and puzzle exchange.
    • And did I mention coffee and donuts. Guest Speaker is Chief Mark Sealey, Gulf Shores Fire Chief.  Lunch following the meeting is at Villagios, in the Wharf .
  • The Wisconsin Snobird Club Roster is attached at the Bottom of the December 27, 2022 email. You can print it out and have a copy for your use. Roster will also be available at the registration table
  • FROM Bob Clark: Bob will be at our January and February meetings. Bob will answer question about MEDICARE HEALTH COVERAGE. He is a member of the Wisconsin Snobird Club and is NOT SELLING he will just answer any question you may have about Medicare. Bob will be at a table in the back of the room. 
  • He is the owner of Bob Clark Insurance in Milton WI.  He has 15 years selling Medicare products and will be answering Medicare health coverage questions . 
    • No charge
    •  No sales pressure 
    • Just answers.
    • Stop over and say hi



Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 19, 2022


  • Wednesday December 21, 11:30 am, we will have a lunch at The Original Oyster House located on HWY 59 in Gulf Shores. No RSVP needed, lunch is off the menu.
  • Christmas Dinner: If you are planning on attending Christmas Dinner and have not sign up. PLEASE send email to Kenn to RSVP. NOW!! Remember to bring a pass around dish AND a gift for our Dirty Santa gift exchange. Social starts at 12:00 & we will eat at 1:30.Emoji
  • ATTENTION GOLFERS!  The Sea Chase Golf Group is looking for new participants. This group expects to be golfing Tuesdays and Thursdays (with a couple deviations) starting the beginning of January and going through sometime in March. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE STAYING IN THE SEA CHASE CONDOMINIUM TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS GROUP. The group plays at various area courses and because of its size has been able to get discounted rates. The rates are generally equivalent to six-pack rates or better without having to buy a six-pack golf coupon. No one is obligated to play any particular date. Simply contact the organizer each week if you or a group wish to play that week. You will be paired with other golfers if you do not have a foursome. Men and women are welcome! To get included in this group or for more information contact: Randy Oswald (920) 680–3440.
  • from Jeff Quint: Church services with Holy Communion for WELS/ELS snowbirds will be held at St. Jude's by-the-Sea Lutheran Church, 312 East 16th Avenue, Gulf Shores, AL 36547. Services begin at 4 pm and will be followed by a Bible Study in the sanctuary on January 8th and 22nd, and February 5th and 19th. For more information, contact Jim and Karen Diehm via email at Jeff
  • Something you might want to (should) know: To Wisconsin Snobirds: The Illinois toll system no longer has manned toll booths.  All tolls must be paid electronically. To avoid having to wait for a bill to come through every time you go through a toll booth, the following is information on how to set a pay-by plate account for the Interstate tolls for the duration of your vacation. I believe this will also cover most interstate tolls. You can check online for which states the pay-to-plate tolls are covered. The account will terminate at the end date you provide.



Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 15, 2022


  • Wednesday December 21, we will have a lunch at The Original Oyster House located on HWY 59 in Gulf Shores. No RSVP needed, lunch is off the menu.
  • Your Snobird Club still needs someone to sell our club clothes at meetings!
  • NEW from Patrick Mattson, Snobird club webmaster; Here are two videos that show how to add the Snobird calendar to your phone.  Both Apple calendar and Google calendar are included.

Apple iPhone Calendar Add by ICS file
ICS file

Google Calendar Add by URL Link
URL Link

Thank You Patrick

  • Christmas Dinner: December 25th at the Orange Beach EVENT CENTER. The times are gathering/social at 12:00 and eating at 1:30. You do need to sign up for Dinner. You need to bring a dish to pass around. The club will supply the ham,  place settings, servings  spoons, and decorations.  We will pass the basket after the meal.  You can sign up at any of our up breakfast or Lunches or by emailing me. We will be playing DIRTY SANTA after dinner. You are to bring ONE WRAPPED GIFT PER COUPLE. The rules for the gift are the same as past years. The gift can not be something new but can be something broken, ugly, useless or something that you or anyone else does not want. It can not be your spouse! A gift can be stolen only once and must be done before you pick a gift. All gifts must be placed on the your table after it is opened. The person that has the gift stolen then get to pick a gift.  WHEN YOU ENTER THE HALL AT THE EVENT CENTER YOU NEED TO PLACE YOUR GIFT ON THE TABLE AND RECEIVE A TICKET FROM SANTA, Tom Shallow.
  • The Wisconsin Snobird Club will be playing cards 9:00-12:00 on Fridays-starting January 6 to March 10th at the Gulf Shores American Legion Post 44 located on HWY 59 just south of Cty Rd. 8. Thanks to Leigh Schroeder for setting this up.
  • Have I mentioned that your Snobird Club still needs someone to sell clothes at our meetings. This is a great way to met fellow club members and to get more involved in the club.

***Big Money:  We are not a bank, when you attend a meeting and plan to buy LCB Tickets or Calendar Drawing Tickets or sign up for the picnic or register for The 8 Pin No Tap or register for Trivia Night, Please don't bring "Big Money" $50.00 or $100.00. Checks made out to the right originization are OK

***Trivia Basket Donations: Will be collected at our first meetings. Remember that we asked you to bring something from your part of Wisconsin to donate to The Trivia Night.  Lois and Cindy will collect your items and make several baskets that get raffled off at the Trivia Night.  More info at Jan. 4th meeting.

***Calendar Drawing Tickets : Calendar Drawing Tickets will be available at all club events after the 19th of December to the 25th of January. Remember you could win $50.00 to $500.00 on any day in February. More info at Jan. 4th meeting.

***Coupon Books; Books are available at all events or by calling Kenn for pick up 251.967.2463 or Fred Carson 251.424.3061. Books are $20.00

***8 PIN NO TAP Bowling Tournament to Support Christian Services is February 14th at Gulf Bowl. This is the 11th annual Fund Raiser for Christian Services. You can register at our two January meetings and the February 2nd meeting. If someone has a question, contact Lisa Jacobson - or call 251-943-4575   More info at Jan. 4th meeting.

I don't know if I mentioned this. "Your Club still needs someone to sell clothes at our meetings. This is easy and fun and you meet many of our club members."



Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 09, 2022


FROM: Nancy Durgin: This was sent to the Islander, Baldwin Times and Mullett.  I sent more info to the Lillian, Coastal observer and Karen Harrell: The WI Snobird Club gave 57 $25 gift cards to the Baldwin County DHR for Christmas gifts for the Foster Children Program.  Photo shows Gary Durgin giving the cards to Tina Green, Program Supervisor.

  • The Snobird Club will be meeting for the first time in 3 years on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at the Orange Beach Event Center at the Wharf at 8:30 am for coffee and donuts.  The meeting will begin at 9 am with Mark Sealey, Gulf Shores Fire Chief, as our guest speaker.  Everyone from WI is welcome to attend.
  • Breakfast : This week's breakfast on December 14th is at The Brick n Spoon on Canal Rd. in Orange Beach. Breakfast is at 8:30, off the menu, no RSVP and we will have our own dining room.
  • Big Money:  We are not a bank, when you attend a meeting and plan to buy LCB Tickets or Calendar Drawing Tickets or sign up for the picnic or register for The 8 Pin No Tap or register for Trivia Night, Please don't bring "Big Money" $50.00 or $100.00. Checks made out to the right origination are OK
  • Trivia Basket Donations: Will be collected at our first meetings. Remember that we asked you to bring something from your part of Wisconsin to donate to The Trivia Night.  Lois and Cindy will collect your items and make several baskets that get raffled off at the Trivia Night.
  • Calendar Drawing Tickets will be available at all club events after the 19th of December to the 25th of January. Remember you could win $50.00 to $500.00 on any day in February.
  • Coupon Books are available at all events or by calling Kenn for pick up 251.967.2463 or Fred Carson 251.424.3061. Books are $20.00
  • Christmas Dinner: December 25th at the Orange Beach EVENT CENTER. The times are gathering/social at 12:00 and eating at 1:30. You do need to sign up for Dinner. You need to bring a dish to pass around. The club will supply the ham,  place settings, servings  spoons, and decorations.  We will pass the basket after the meal. You can sign up at any of our up breakfast or Lunches or by emailing me. We will be playing DIRTY SANTA after dinner. You are to bring ONE WRAPPED GIFT PER COUPLE. The rules for the gift are the same as past years. The gift can not be something new but can be something broken, ugly, useless or something that you or anyone else does not want. It can not be your spouse! A gift can be stolen only once and must be done before you pick a gift. All gifts must be placed on the your table after it is opened. The person that has the gift stolen then get to pick a gift.  WHEN YOU ENTER THE HALL AT THE EVENT CENTER YOU NEED TO PLACE YOUR GIFT ON THE TABLE AND RECEIVE A TICKET FROM SANTA, Joe Calderaro 
  • Your Club still needs someone to sell clothes at our meetings. This is easy and fun and you met many of our club members.
  • We will be playing cards 9:00-12:00 on Fridays-starting January 6 to March 10th at the Gulf Shores American Legion.  Thanks to Leigh Schroeder for setting this up.



Wisconsin Snobirds
Dec. 03, 2022


  • Breakfast Wednesday December 7th is at The Dirty Diner. Breakfast is at 8:30, The Dirty Diner is located at 2420 E 2nd St. Unit E.
  • We have had a few members asking question about the Committee Chairperson positions. Several are very promising. DO NOT let this discourage you from ask and taking one the open positions. Low Country Boil we have a person, Joy Schrab,  that will be the Chairperson to sell tickets . We need a chairperson for the day of the LCB.  There has been some inquiries but no confirmations. WE/YOU may want to join a person and have a larger committee. Trivia night, Yvonne Quint has offered to Chair the registration and collection of the fee for the Trivia Night. Still need people to SELL our Cub Clothes. We do have some interest here also. If you think that you may be interested in any of these, contact me by email or phone 251,967,2463.  All of these positions have people that will show and tell ( training)  you what they have done on there in the past years.  I also will work with you and answer any question. One more Chairperson has excepted the position for cards that being Leigh Schroeder.  Thank You to Joy, Yvonne ans Leigh
  • COUPON BOOKS.  Fred Carson and I have coupon books. You can call either of us for pick up or you can get one or more at some club evens.  Fred phone number 251.424.3061  Kenn's phone number 251.967.2463. Books are also available at all events Books are $20.00
  • Christmas Dinner: December 25th at the Orange Beach EVENT CENTER. The times are gathering/social at 12:00 and eating at 1:30. You do need to sign up for Dinner. You need to bring a dish to pass around. The club will supply the ham,  place settings, servings  spoons, and decorations.  We will pass the basket after the meal.  You can sign up at any of our up breakfast or Lunches or by emailing me. We will be playing DIRTY SANTA after dinner. You are to bring ONE WRAPPED GIFT PER COUPLE. The rules for the gift are the same as past years. The gift can not be something new but can be something broken, ugly, useless or something that you or anyone else does not want. It can not be your spouse! A gift can be stolen only once and must be done before you pick a gift. All gifts must be placed on the your table after it is opened. The person that has the gift stolen then get to pick a gift.  WHEN YOU ENTER THE HALL AT THE EVENT CENTER YOU NEED TO PLACE YOUR GIFT ON THE TABLE AND RECEIVE A TICKET FROM SANTA, Joe Calderaro

